

Vulture Awareness

Vulture Awareness

Conservation in any form must start with education and awareness and this is no more evident than with the Asia Vulture crisis. There's no denying that vultures suffer from an image problem. People opinions of vultures is usually one of a disgusting, unsavoury bird, circling above a suffering nearly dead animal ready to swoop in once it draws it's last breath. In order to help the vultures survive, we must change our opinion and educate our children.

The Parahawking Project is involved in a number of vulture awareness activities. The very nature of the project itself and the international publicity that it receives has made it an ideal platform to raise awareness of the vultures plight to a largely uninformed international audience. Our project and it's involvement in vulture conservation in Nepal has been featured in more than 100 newspaper, magazine and online articles in addition to several TV documentaries by global networks such as the BBC, ABC News, National Geographic, Discovery Channel and many more.

We also provide regular talks and presentations to small groups on Parahawking, raptor rehabilitation and Vulture conservation from our home in Nepal. Money raised from Parahawking tandem flights have also funded poster vulture awareness campaigns in association with Nepali NGO Himalayan Nature. 

The Parahawking Project is currently working closely with Bird Conservation Nepal to promote the Gachowk Vulture Restaurant project of which we are patrons.