
Accommodation Packages - 2 or 3 Nights




We've put together 2 packages that will include accommodation plus the Parahawking and Bird of Prey Experience, the ultimate Parahawking mini break in Andalucia, southern Spain.



2 Night Package

Algodonales, Spain
All year round
Available to:
Anyone (Age and weight restrictions may apply)
From €300
2 night stay, 1 x Parahawking Experience plus Half Day Bird of Prey Experience per person, breakfast included

Day 1 - Arrive at the accommodation (Check in 1.00 pm)

Arrive at your accommodation. You have the afternoon free to take in the surroundings or visit the picturesque village of Zahara.

Day 2 - AM: Bird of Prey Experience - PM: Parahawking Experience

Arrive at Skywings Falconry for the Bird of Prey Experience at 10.00am. You'll learn the basic fundamentals of training birds of prey including, handling, training and equipment skills. We'll then take our birds on a hawk walk where they will follow you from tree to tree and fly to your hand for a reward. A great opportunity to get a feel for handling the birds and to get some fantastic pictures.

After lunch we'll start preparing for your Parahawking tandem experience. We'll head up to the take off site with one of our specially trained American Black Vultures, Bladrick or Edmund. After a safety briefing we take to the skies accompanied by our avian companian who will fly with us and lead us to the best thermal updrafts. You'll be overwhelmed at the feeling of sharing the sky with a trained bird of prey and to be a pat of their world. But that's not all, you'll also get to call the bird to your gloved hand and feed them during the flight. Now that's something you can't do everyday.

We will land back at the Skywings HQ and the birds will fly back to their aviaries for the evening.

Day 3 - AM: Depart (Check out 11am)



1 Person - €300

2 People sharing - €520

Price: Includes 2 nights at one of our partner B&B, Parahawking Experience and Half Day Bird of Prey Experience.


3 Night Package

Algodonales, Spain
All year round
Available to:
Anyone (Age and weight restrictions may apply)
From €390
3 night stay, 1 x Parahawking tandem flight and 1 x All day Bird of Prey Experience per person.

Day 1 - Arrive at your accommodation (Check in 1 pm)

Arrive at your accommodation. You have the afternoon free to take in the surroundings or visit the picturesque village of Zahara.

Day 2 - Bird of Prey Experience

Arrive at Skywings Falconry for the Bird of Prey Experience at 10.00am. During your Bird of Prey Experience with our highly trained bird trainers, you'll learn the basic of training birds of prey including, bird handling, basic training and equipment skills. We'll then take our birds on a hawk walk where they will follow you from tree to tree and fly to your hand for a reward. After lunch we'll get to fly more birds including taking our Black vultures on a walk and fly around the farm. A great opportunity to get a feel for handling the birds and to get some fantastic pictures.

Day 3 - Parahawking Experience

You will have the morning free to do some local sightseeing or relax by the pool if you prefer. In the afternoon we'll head up to the take off site with one of our specially trained American Black Vultures, Bladrick or Edmund. After a safety briefing we take to the skies accompanied by our avian companian who will fly with us and lead us to the best thermal updrafts. You'll be overwhelmed at the feeling of sharing the sky with a trained bird of prey and to be a pat of their world. But that's not all, you'll also get to call the bird to your gloved hand and feed them during the flight. Now that's something you can't do everyday.

As if flying with our own trained birds of prey wasn't enough, Andalucia is one of the Europes premier destinations for paragliding with the worlds largest raptors. There is every possibility that we will also share the sky with Eurasian Griffon Vultures, Egyptian Vultures and Bonellis Eagles.

We will land back at the Skywings HQ and the birds will fly back to their aviaries for the evening.

This is one experience that you are unlikely to forget.

Day 4 - AM: Depart (Check out 11am)



1 Person - €390

2 People sharing - €660

Price: Includes 3 nights at one of our partner B&B, Parahawking Experience and Full Day Bird of Prey Experience.


Non participating guests - €30 (Bird of Prey Experience only)


WINTER OFFER - 10% Discount

Book a Parahawking and Accommodation Package for January and get a 10% discount.



  1. Simply choose your preferred date, allow for an entire morning or afternoon.
  2. Fill out the booking enquiry form.
  3. We'll get back to you straight away with details on availability and how to proceed.



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The Parahawking Tandem Experience

Ranked the #1 activity in Pokhara on Trip Advisor, featured on the BBC, Nat Geo, Discovery Channel and recommended by the Lonely Planet as one of Pokhara's highlights. Parahawking is essentially paragliding and interacting with a trained bird of prey in it's own natural environment. It was developed and pioneered in 2001 in Pokhara by Scott Mason. By combining paragliding with the ancient art of falconry, we have trained birds of prey to fly with us and guide us through the sky as we fly.


Bird of Prey Experience

From our beautiful home on the banks of Lake Fewa you can learn the basic fundamentals of handling and training a bird of prey and how to make and use the equipment which has been used for hundreds of years. You'll then get the chance to exercise our birds out in the flying field, you'll gently cast our birds away then call them back to land on your gloved hand for a reward. A perfect compliment to the Tandem Parahawking Experience.


Photos and Video

Our Parahawking photos and videos have been seen all over the world. We use special wide angle HD cameras which are set to capture every moment, perfectly framed with you, your pilot, the scenery and of course the bird.

On landing we'll copy your pictures and movie onto a DVD. Your picture may even make the Facebook Picture of the Day. Photos and Video can be arranged on the day with your pilot. The price is 2500 rupees.

Check out the pictures in our FACEBOOK PAGE to see the PICTURE OF THE DAY.

Domestic Flights in Nepal


It's important that when you book with us you arrive in plenty of time for your parahawking experience, and that you return to the airport in plenty of time for your onward journey.

We know how difficult it can be to arrange domestic travel in Nepal from overseas.  We have partnered with the leading flight ticket agency in Pokhara to offer you the best service and competitive prices.



Do you need accommodation whilst you are in Pokhara? Maya Devi Village is the home of The Parahawking Project in Nepal, but it's also a lovely guest house and restaurant. It was built approx 20 years in ago in the traditional Gurung style to blend in with the local surroundings. Maya Devi was acquired by us in 2003 and has been carefully restored and renovated to provide modern facilities and some home comforts whilst retaining it's traditional theme.



Watch the amazing video.

A little Video


Watch another amazing video


And another


Booking Form

Please use the form below to make a booking, if you experience problems with the booking form, please send an email to - info@skywingsfalconry.com.com

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions

PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer operating in Nepal. We are now only operating in Spain
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Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Parahawking?
Parahawking is paragliding with a trained bird of prey. It was pioneered in Pokhara, Nepal by renowned bird trainer and paraglider, Scott Mason. Now basd in Algodonales, southern Spain, birds of prey such as American Black Vultures are trained as part of an award winning enrichment program, to fly with paragliders and, by using their incredible ability to conserve energy, can guide the paragliders to the best thermals. They will then land on the passengers gloved hand for an inflight reward. Parahawking is a perfect mix of adventure, eco-tourism and conservation. A Parahawking Tandem Experience is more than just a paragliding flight with a trained bird, it's an education into vultures and the problems they face in the wild.

How does it work?
Birds of prey have a natural instinct to conserve energy wherever and whenever possible. During a flight, a bird will burn more energy than it would if it was just sitting in a tree, this means it has to eat to replace the used energy. Sometimes birds will travel long distances to find food. To conserve energy whilst flying, birds of prey use thermals. Thermals are rising currents of warm air that are created by the sun heating the ground. Birds can gain height and travel long distances without flapping their wings by using thermals. Paragliders also use thermals when they are flying and will often use wild birds to guide them to where the thermals are. Our trained birds are no different, they will find the thermals in order to stay aloft and conserve energy whilst flying. We as paragliders harness their ability to conserve energy by following them as we fly.

Our birds need to be rewarded for guiding us into the thermals. During the flight the passenger will place small morsels of meat onto his gloved hand, the birds will come and gently land on the hand to take the food, and then gracefully fly away to find the next thermal. A perfect symbiotic relationship.

Is there a weight and age limit?
All Paraglider wings have an upper and lower weight range, when the upper weight range is exceeded, it can make the glider difficult to fly in some situatons and conditions. Parahawking tandem flights are different from regular tandem flights, our weight limit for passengers is 100 kg/220 lb. The only other requirement is that you are able to run a few steps for the take off and landing. You do not have to be a qualified pilot, you will be a passenger attached to a qualified tandem pilot. We reserve the right to refuse to fly any passenger that does not meet our requirements.

When can I do it?
The Parahawking season runs all year round.

Where can I do it?
You can do Parahawking in Algodonales, Spain only.

How does it help Vulture Conservation?
Vultures are in serious decline, in the last 15 years the numbers have dropped by a staggering 99.9% in some parts of Asia whilst vultures in Europe and African are experiencing similar declines. This catastrophic decline is due to a veterinary drug called Diclofenac. This anti inflammatory drug is routinely administered to sick and dying livestock including cows and buffalo and has proven to be very effective in reducing pain and suffering. However, when the animal dies with Diclofenac still in it's system, the vultures that feed from the animal carcass will ingest remnants of the drug which is poisonous to them and kills them within 24 hours.

Vultures are important in our society, they play a vital role in our ecosystem by cleaning up all of the dead animals that would otherwise be left to rot. Millions of tonnes of animal carcasses are disposed of each year across Asia, which if not cleaned up, would pose a real risk to human health. Asia's vultures are declining faster than the Dodo and could be extinct in the next 5-10 years, unfortunately not enough people know about the problem. Vultures are considered to be quite unsavory creatures because of this, these prehistoric looking birds are difficult to empathize with. We want to change that!

Parahawking provides a unique opportunity to see vultures in a different light, to understand about the importance of them in our society and to learn about their behavior in the wild. Parahawking is our mission to raise more public awareness to the plight of Asia's vultures and in doing so halt the decline and prevent their extinction.

We support vital Vulture conservation projects, proceeds from Parahawking go to Vulture conservations projects.

How is this different from normal paragliding?
Parahawking gives you the unique opportunity to interact with these birds and see the world through their eyes while you share the sky with them. Paragliding is an exciting adventure activity on own but this takes Paragliding to a whole different dimension.

How do I book?
Book your Parahawking activity directly with us via this website to gaurantee the best chance of a spot.

How much does it cost?
A Parahawking Tandem Experience costs: €170

How long does the flight last?
Parahawking flights are not based on time in the air but the overall experience of sharing the sky with a trained bird of prey. The weather can determine the length of the flight as can many other factors, especially when working with birds. We make no guarantees about flight times however we always try our best to stay in the air for around 20 to 30 minutes.

Can I take a Parahawking course?
We do not currently offer Parahawking courses. If you're not already a pilot and you want to learn to paraglide then there is no better place to learn to fly than here in Algodonales. Fly Spain - http://www.flyspain.com - offer beginner courses. If you want to learn more about the birds then you can take a Bird of Prey Experience or Falconry Course with us. You can do a 2-3 hour session or 2-5 days courses.

What birds do you use?
We use a variety of Vultures and hawks for Parahawking.

Where do the birds come from?
All of our birds are bred in captivity. Parahawking is an award winning project, it was voted Best Enrichment Behaviour by the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE) in 2011.

Is it dangerous?
Paragliding and Parahawking is an adventure activity but it is not dangerous. We use only the best pilots for Parahawking. All of our pilots are internationally licensed and insured. 

What do I need to bring?
All you need to bring are a pair of training shoes or boots and a sweatshirt or jacket depending on the time of year. 

Can I take a camera?
Yes, you can bring your own camera or we can take inflight pictures and movie from our onboard cameras, at a small additional cost. 

Do you provide accommodation?
Yes, we have accommodation right on site at the Skywings Falconry Farmhouse.