

Movies, Documentaries, Filming


Over the years Parahawking has received the attention of the worlds media. In addition to featuring in over 50 international books, newspapers and magazines, Parahawking has also been the subject of several TV documentaries and films including 2 dedicated Parahawking movies produced by ourselves.

Our birds have proven time and again to be the best birds in the world, this makes working and filming with them a joy. We have worked with some of the best cameraman in the world at filming air to air and in flight footage so when it comes to filming and photographing in air flying sequences, there is simply no better option! We are specialist trainers in our field, all of our birds are reliable, fit and healthy and in absolute perfect feather condition.

What makes our birds so good for filming?

  • Our birds are trained to fly with Paragliders, this means we can keep them on the wing for as long as they are happy to do so. Flight times can sometimes be up to an hour at a time, flying in close proximity to the glider for a lot of that time. Imagine all the footage you can get in one shoot!
  • Our birds are immaculately kept, they are extremely fit and healthy and always in perfect feather condition.
  • We regularly take our birds on cross country flights, this means we need to get high, sometimes up 3000m in the Himalayas, just imagine the view and the stunning backdrops from that height.
  • We fly our birds everyday during the flying season, in fact our birds probably spend more time in the air than their wild cousins. There are not many birds trainers in the world who can honestly say that! This means that they are 100% reliable, making planning film shoots less of a hassle.
  • We train our birds to fly with anybody and any paraglider, we can even train them to stoop from 2000m and land on the hood of your camera in flight if you like.
  • Our birds will fly very close to the Paragliders for long periods of time, this allows for long steady in flight sequences.
  • Our birds are trained to fly with onboard cameras and GPS's which means that we can obtain some the most unique footage ever seen and some impressive data too.


Parahawking movies:

2001 saw the release of the first Parahawking movie which received worldwide acclaim and went on to win several international film awards. The movie titled "Parahawking" documented the story of how Parahawking began from the fated rescue of two Black Kite chicks through to the first high flights with the Paragliders.

Flight For Survival

Over a decade years later, the story has moved on. The sequel "Flight for Survival" focuses on the plight of Asia's struggling wild vulture population and how Parahawking is helping to change the way we view these ancient raptors. The film is also an in depth portrait into the life of Scott Mason, his passion for birds of prey, and his mission to help save the vultures from extinction.

The film is now being shown on TV networks world wide.

Flight For Surival DVD is available from our shop

If you are interested in running a story, filming a documentary or making a film and wish to work with us and our birds, please contact us


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